CNBOP-PIB Certification Department carries out admittance processes of products used for ensuring public safety or protecting health, life and property, introduced for use in fire protection units and used by these units to alert about fire or other hazard, and to carry out rescue operations, as well as products which are the portable firefighting equipment.

The processes are carried out within CNBOP-PIB accreditation granted by the Polish Centre for Accreditation No. AC 063.

The certificate of admittance can be issued based on:

  1. a positive assessment of operational properties of a duly identified product, confirmed depending on needs by: testing, expert opinion or other documents, should this arise from use conditions of the product,
  2. a positive assessment of technical and organisational conditions of the product manufacturer.

The assessment of technical and organisational conditions (TOC) of a duly identified product is carried out on the basis of technical reference documents defined in regulation (3) and amended regulation (4).
The assessment of technical and organisational conditions of the product manufacturer is carried out on the basis of standards concerning quality management systems.

Method of admittance Element of the admittance process Type of issued document / product marking

Regulation of the

Minister of the

Interior and


(2) §3 and 4

  1. Preliminary formal assessment of the application for admittance, carrying out the identification of the manufacturer of the product and registering the application;
  2. Collecting and testing product sample the admittance body;
  3. Analysis of test results submitted by the Applicant;
  4. Assessment of technical and organizational conditions of the manufacturer (TOC);
  5. Analysis of product documentation;
  6. Granting the admittance;
  7. Admittance control.

Certificate of admittance/

mark of the admittance body
no. of the admittance


Example of marking:


(where: xxxx – numer of admittance,
 yyyy – year of granting the admittance)