

The inquiry should be sent to the following address: ba@cnbop.pl

The inquiry should include information such as:

  • company name and address, contact person,
  • data regarding the tested product: name, type, use, purpose,
  • what properties are to be marked and according to what method,
  • use of test results, e.g. for extension of use, for own purposes, for the purpose of obtaining a CNBOP approval certificate,
  • the language (Polish or English) in which the test report or technical opinion is to be prepared. If you choose Polish, you will receive 2 copies of the test report/technical opinion. However, if you choose English, you will receive 1 copy of the report/technical opinion in English.

If you already have a test program from the CNBOP-PIB Certification Department and/or a stand for the National Technical Assessment from the Technical Assessment Department of CNBOP-PIB, you can skip this step and go to the “Order” step.


After submitting the iquiry, specialists from the Laboratory will send you an offer for tests, which will indicate:

  • test method
  • size and number of samples necessary for testing,
  • cost of tests,
  • expected date of testing,
  • validity period of the offer.

If you already have a test program from the CNBOP-PIB Certification Department and/or a stand for the National Technical Assessment from the Technical Assessment Department of CNBOP-PIB, you can skip this step and go to the “Order” step.


Tests can be ordered by clicking the button above “Order a test” or by completing the application for laboratory tests manually.

Application for laboratory tests should be sent by e-mail: ba@cnbop.pl


  • Preparation and sending to you by e-mail of the agreement (pdf scan) for signature.
  • Printing two copies of the agreement (in an unchanged form) and signing it by the client, then sending them to CNBOP-PIB by traditional mail or courier. After being signed by the Director of CNBOP-PIB, one of the copies will be sent back to the client. Additionally, to speed up the process, it is possible to send a signed scan of the agreement by e-mail (regardless of sending the original copies of the agreement by traditional mail).
  • The agreement will specify the amount of the advance payment that must be paid to start the tests (approx. 40% of the total agreement value). The deadlines for completing the order, sending relevant product documentation and providing samples for testing will also be indicated.
  • Providing samples for testing along with complete documentation (the documentation should be signed and dated).
  • In case of problems with delivering samples on time, you should request an annex to the agreement regarding the deadline for testing.


  • The tests will start only after receiving a signed copy of the agreement, paying an advance payment and delivering samples for tests along with the required documentation.
  • The tests will be performed on time only when the client meets the requirements of Annex 2 to the agreement (it specifies the number, type of samples, scope of documentation and delivery date),
  • If the result of the test is negative, the client shall inform the Laboratory about what next steps should it take: terminate the test in its current state (when the results of the first trial do not provide any indication of positive results), continue the tests despite the negative result, or temporarily suspend the tests in order for the client to make modifications.


  • When the tests are successfully completed, a test report is prepared.
  • The client is informed about the completion of the tests and the final invoice is sent.
  • The customer pays the final invoice.
  • The test report in paper form is sent to the client by post or can be collected personally. At the client’s request, one copy of the report is sent directly to the CNBOP-PIB Certification Department and/or the CNBOP-PIB Technical Assessment Department.
  • The client also receives an electronic version of the test report (pdf scan).
  • For an additional fee, it is possible to prepare a test report in English.
  • Activities under the agreement are considered completed.