3rd international scientific conference entitled Fire safety of photovoltaic, installations, energy storage, electric vehicles, their charging points and stations, smart home solutions

The Scientific and Research Center for Fire Protection – National Research Institute together with its co-organizers and partners invites you to participate in the 3rd international scientific conference entitled Fire safety of photovoltaic installations, energy storage, electric vehicles, their charging points and stations, smart home solutions, which will take place on November 28, 2024 at the Institute’s headquarters.

From the very beginning, the conference series was intended by its organizers and partners to create an opportunity to present and disseminate current research results, information, review knowledge and solutions, as well as exchange views and experiences of various communities interested in fire safety of intensively developing new technologies.

The third edition of the event will discuss the broadly understood fire safety of energy sources, electric batteries, energy storage, as well as new solutions in fire protection and rescue. There will also be issues about the future and wider use of robotic solutions and artificial intelligence. The conference will include speeches by invited speakers, as well as a discussion to help formulate conclusions, identify needs and propose actions to reduce fire risks caused by electric batteries used in devices, electric vehicles and renewable energy installations. The topic of energy storage in the context of fire safety, ongoing work on guidelines in this area, as well as the use of new solutions and technologies in fire protection and rescue will also be discussed.

The conference is addressed to manufacturers, designers and installers, officers and civilian employees of the State Fire Service, specialists and appraisers in fire protection, managers, users and owners of building facilities, as well as other people interested in the above-mentioned topics.

– conducting rescue and fire-fighting operations during incidents involving electric batteries and energy storage facilities.
– robotics and artificial intelligence in fire protection;
– safety of new technologies;
– identification and assessment of threats caused by new technologies;
– key factors affecting the safety of use of energy storage facilities;
– fire, physical and chemical protection at the level of battery cells;
– battery management systems (e.g. BMS, TMS);
– devices, electric vehicles and renewable energy installations equipped with electric batteries as a potential fire hazard;
– fire protection requirements for buildings equipped with renewable energy installations with electricity storage, intended for parking and charging electric vehicles;
– fire safety of energy storage facilities;
– new solutions and technologies in fire protection;
– conducting rescue and fire-fighting operations during incidents involving electric batteries and energy storage facilities.

Technological progress and increasingly ambitious climate goals adopted at the European and global level influence the dynamic development of renewable energy sources (RES) and electromobility. Electric vehicles, as well as renewable energy sources, increasingly use electrochemical batteries to store energy – the so-called electric batteries. The safe use of electric batteries used in devices, electric vehicles and renewable energy installations requires maintaining their cells in specific conditions, including the required voltage and temperature ranges. Loss of control over the increasing temperature of cells, their excessive discharge, and overcharging are just selected cases that may lead to a fire in the battery and the device it powers.

A battery fire is characterized by high dynamics of development and intense release of smoke and fire gases. The subject of the conference is therefore in line with the market need for a broader discussion on areas requiring attention, improving the fire protection conditions of electric batteries and methods of conducting rescue and fire-fighting operations during incidents involving them. The choice of this topic is also dictated by the need to undertake debates and activities in relation to new technologies – their safety and the possibility of their use, also in fire protection. Fire protection requires adapting it to the threats related to the creation and implementation of new technologies – both completely new ones and evolutions of already known ones. These new technologies and solutions, including artificial intelligence, pose not only security challenges, but also opportunities to use them to improve fire safety.

The speakers at the conference will be: representatives of the State Fire Service, universities, insurance companies, manufacturers, invited specialists and experts, who will raise selected issues in the field of fire safety of new technologies.

Additionally, referring to the history of fire protection, there will be a presentation of a new publication entitled Józef Tuliszkowski. Man, work and its resonance dedicated to the patron of the Scientific and Research Center for Fire Protection – National Research Institute, prepared by its author, senior brig. in rest M.Sc. Eng. Paweł Rochala. This is the first such an extensive and comprehensive publication presenting the biography of the patron of CNBOP-PIB. On over six hundred pages, Paweł Rochala collected the achievements of one of the pioneers of firefighting in Poland, a figure who is still an inspiration and role model for subsequent generations of firefighters. The author tried to describe the life of Józef Tuliszkowski against a broad historical background, thanks to which the reader learns about the realities of the times of partition and the rebirth of Poland. We are convinced that such a combination of the visions of fire protection formulated by Józef Tuliszkowski in the past with current research and discussion on the use and safety of new technologies will be an interesting comparison of what has happened and what will happen in fire protection.

The first conference in the series was held at the headquarters of CNBOP-PIB in October 2023, and the second conference in June 2024. We encourage you to read the materials available at https://cnbop.pl/en/nauka-en/konferencje-en/konferencje-bnt-en/, including extensive conference reports containing summaries of topics, discussions, conclusions and postulates – available in Polish and English) .


Centrum Naukowo-Badawcze Ochrony Przeciwpożarowej im. Józefa Tuliszkowskiego – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy


Akademia Pożarnicza

Akademia WSB w Dąbrowie Górniczej

European Fire Safety Alliance

Institut für Feuerwehr- und Rettungstechnologie (IFR) der Feuerwehr Dortmund

Komenda Powiatowa Państwowej Straży Pożarnej w Otwocku

Komenda Wojewódzka Państwowej Straży Pożarnej w Warszawie

Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Producentów Zabezpieczeń Przeciwpożarowych
 i Sprzętu Ratowniczego

Stowarzyszenie Polska Izba Magazynowania Energii PIME

Polskie Stowarzyszenie Nowej Mobilności


Scientific Committee:

Przewodniczący komitetu naukowego: st. bryg. dr hab. inż. Jacek ZBOINA

prof. dr hab. Anna RABAJCZYK

prof. dr hab. Bernard WIŚNIEWSKI

prof. dr hab. Robert SOCHA

prof. dr hab. Katarzyna CHRUZIK

dr hab. Maria ZIELECKA, prof. instytutu (CNBOP-PIB)

dr hab. Andrzej CZUPRYŃSKI prof. AWSB

dr hab. Zdzisława DACKO-PIKIEWICZ, prof. AWSB

 dr Karol KUJAWA, prof. AWSB

dr hab. Paweł LUBIEWSKI, prof. AWSB

dr hab. Tomasz SAFJANSKI, prof. AWSB

dr hab. Jaroslaw STRUNIAWSKI

st. bryg. dr. inż. Tomasz KLIMCZAK, prof. uczelni (Apoż)

st. bryg. dr. hab. inż. Adam KRASUSKI, prof. uczelni (Apoż)

st. bryg. dr inż. Paweł JANIK



dr inż. Michał CHMIEL

dr inż. Tomasz POPIELARCZYK

dr inż. Jarosław TĘPIŃSKI

st. bryg. mgr inż. Daniel MAŁOZIĘĆ

st. bryg. mgr inż. Michał GIGOŁA

st. bryg. w st. spocz. mgr inż. Krzysztof BISKUP

mgr inż. Michał PIETRZAK

mł. bryg. mgr inż. Wojciech KLAPSA

Agnieszka WILCZEK

mgr Marta IWAŃSKA

nadbryg. Artur GONERA

kpt. Grzegorz TRZECIAK

Maciej MAZUR

Organizing committee:

Chairman of the organizing committee: mgr Ilona MASNA

dr inż. Jarosław TĘPIŃSKI

dr inż. Tomasz POPIELARCZYK

dr inż. Michał CHMIEL

Monika Szymczak

mgr Anna GOŁĄB

mgr Dorota GAJOWNIK

mgr Katarzyna SZULEJEWSKA


mgr Marta IWAŃSKA

mgr inż. Michał PIETRZAK


28.11.2024 r. godz. 9.00–16.30


CNBOP-PIB, Nadwiślańska 213, Józefów, conference room C

Conference in a hybrid form: stationary participation or online transmission


mgr Ilona Masna; tel. 692 149 552; e-mail: imasna@cnbop.pl

mgr Anna Gołąb; tel. +48 22 76 93 221; e-mail: agolab@cnbop.pl

mgr Dorota Gajownik; tel. +48 22 76 93 391; e-mail: dgajownik@cnbop.pl