The rules for placing construction products on the market and their CE marking, in force since July 1, 2013, impose a number of obligations on participants of the construction products market. These obligations apply not only to product manufacturers, but also to importers and distributors. The basic tool for communicating information about the technical features of manufactured and sold products is the declaration of performance.

Representatives of the Institute as a Notified Body belong to the Polish Group of Notified Bodies (PGJN). Its task is to develop consistent rules of conduct for Polish notified bodies as part of their certification and research activities in the area of ​​Regulation 305/2011.

CNBOP-PIB employees – on behalf of PKN – participate in the work of the European committees CEN/TC 72 Automatic Fire Detection Systems and CEN/TC 191 Fixed Firefighting Systems – WG/10 Water mist systems. The institute is also involved in the implementation of the European Organization for Technical Assessment EOTA tasks.